FORMIDABLE FAMILY man masterclass & tribe

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For good MEN who want TO

LEVEL-UP in FAMILY life & business




Upgrade every important area of life with coaching & accountability and become the Husband, Lover, Father, Provider, & Leader You WANT and NEED to be.

You ALREADY know what you need to do. NOW it's time to do it!

"Most men live lives of quiet desperation...

and go to their graves with their song still in them."

Most men surrender to an 'okay' life of mediocrity.

Most men live a 'good' life that is frustrating, dull, and unfulfilling.

Most men feel like the 'walking dead'.

Ask most men how they feel and they'll answer, "I'm fine."

They're not really 'fine' but they've been conditioned to believe that you can't admit that anything is wrong or 'off'.

As a man, it's not been okay to talk about your emotions.

And even if they were, 'fine' is no way to live.

But most men don't know anything else.

So instead, you bottle up your emotions...

Hide the pain and dissatisfaction...

Never ask for help...

Sabotage your relationships, health, and business...


Brother, you know this is not the way to live...

...and it's a warped version of what it means to be a real man.

Please take a few minutes to read through this letter and you'll discover how to actually be the FORMIDABLE family man your wife & children need, the businessman your clients/patients need, and the MAN the world NEEDS you to be.

Think about what that would do for you and your life...

Imagine how much better you will show up as a father to inspire your children who actually respect you...

Imagine how passionately you'll attack your work and your woman...

...and how much she'll love it from a husband she respects and desires...

Imagine how much more you'll earn as a man who is confident, purpose-driven, and authentic to yourself...

Most men take the path of discontent and disconnect... and it's holding them back.

But there is a better way to live! And you can start NOW.

I help men like you to create transformation in your life so you can get in the best health of your life, show up as a father, earn real respect as a husband, and increase your income as a provider.

Don't be most men.



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a MESSAGE from Greg denning,

founder of the FORMIDABLE FAMILY mEn masterclass

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If you're like many men, you feel you're in a 'walking coma' -- 'mostly dead' for years or decades.

You've acquiesced to a life of mediocrity -- because you think you're doing the 'right thing' to be a good husband or father -- but inside you're dying to live a life of greatness, meaning, and adventure.

You want to reach untapped potential in business, marriage, family, and life. You're tired of excuses, regrets, and sacrificed dreams.

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You don't know how to express what you're feeling -- you're not even sure what it is you're feeling.

You just know you're discontent.

But you feel guilty.

After all, you have a 'good' life. Wife. Kids. Career.

You can't complain.

You've achieved many of your major life goals - college, marriage, kids, house, career...

Still, something is off.

So you come home from work and watch TV. You get on your phone. You overeat, trying to fill a void.

You play video games or binge Netflix series.

You might even look at porn or turn to drugs or alcohol.

You disconnect -- from yourself, from your spouse, from the kids.


You're buffering. You're trying to comfort and distract yourself.

You're desperately (sometimes subconsciously) trying to escape the current reality you're living.

97% of men do this.

(Aka the masses. Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.)

The masses do these things because the spark for life is gone.

Because they're avoiding the difficult conversations.

Because they're afraid to admit to the internal suffering.

Because they're operating in constant self-sabotage.

Because they're overwhelmed and depressed and can't admit it.

Because they're assuaging the waves of anxiety and fears of losing what you have, failing, or being found out as a failure or phony.

The passion you felt when you believed you could take on the world is becoming a distant memory.

And despite a 'good life' with a good family and a good job...

...all that's left is unexplained emptiness that leaves you wondering...

is this all there is?


All you really know is you're living out of SYNC with the man you want to be

most men have a sense of discomfort & discontent while they're 'buffering' -- They know what they're doing is wrong or unfulfilling...

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instead of following the (m)asses, become like the masters

Far too many husbands and fathers continue to 'buffer' again and again, using it as a comfort tool to ignore the real work they must do to save their marriage, get in shape, improve their mental health, or build their business...

They live a life that makes them feel 'blah'...

And 'blah' is never manly.

Even worse is the feeling that you're all alone...

That other guys don't feel the way you do.

But you have no way of knowing since you don't have a tribe of like-minded men you can connect with, call on, or get support from.

So you avoid the path of discomfort even though you know you need to walk it to create the life and results you want.

Maybe you're reading this and wondering how I can articulate so well what you're feeling and experiencing...

I know because I've been there -- and overcome it.

And I help men every day with my executive coaching to 'turn the dial' and start living life the way men are supposed to live it...

To stop being a part of the [M]ASSES and to start living like the MASTERS.

Masters become masters by focusing on the fundamentals that make the difference.

[M]asses mire in mediocrity because they avoid discomfort and amuse themselves to death with video games and distractions -- mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial death.

YOU must not settle for a mediocre, blah, 'okay' life.

ESPECIALLY NOT if you want to be respected and desired by your wife, a role model to your kids, and an influence in your business & community.

That gnawing need for purpose, greatness, and potential are what led you here to the Formidable Family Man Masterclass & Tribe.

DON'T BE LIKE most men...

DON'T BE content TO IGNORE THE call to greatness WITHIN YOU



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easy. i was one. and I WORK WITH THEM to make transformations EVERY SINGLE DAY.

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Every single day I talk to men who tell me they feel like they're in a 'walking coma'.

I talk to men who say they've reached many of their life goals and now they're wondering, "Is that all? What's next? What else does life have to offer?"

I work with men who feel the plug has been pulled on the meaning and purpose of their life.

I work with men who have crippling fears, anxiety attacks, business, financial and marriage crises, and a lack of respect from their wife, children, and colleagues.

Together, we work to create awakenings and to transform their life, business, and marriage from blah into 'BOOM' and from excuses to RESULTS.

And along the way, I've developed a proprietary process for greatness that is foolproof to every man who commits to applying it.

I show you the steps. You take accountable action. Greatness is unleashed.

BEFORE WE CONTINUE, LET ME introduce myself

hi! MY NAME IS Greg denning


hi! MY NAME IS Greg denning founder of the FORMIDABLE FAMILY MAN masterclass & tribe...

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I've been joyfully married for 23 years and I'm the father of 7 children. I've traveled and lived with them in 60+ countries on five continents.

Not only that, but I'm an executive life & business coach who's worked with thousands of families (and men) on five continents helping them to find peace, happiness, purpose, fulfillment, adventure, and meaning in their family life through seminars, workshops, one-on-one, and group coaching, and live in-person adventures and trips.

But that's just the highlight reel. I didn't start out as a successful man or come from a successful family...

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I left home at the age of 16 and had some lonely, hard, and depressing years. Sometimes I was homeless and had to sleep in my truck. I often went hungry. I was shy, timid, and terrified of people.

This painful time became a catalyst that drove me (out of desperation) to find the answers to success and happiness in life. I couldn't continue to live in pain and suffering!

I was tired of making excuses.

I was tired of pretending.

I was tired of being lonely and miserable.

I was tired of surviving. I wanted to THRIVE.

The truths I discovered during my quest for answers led me to marry the woman and create the marriage of my dreams, become a father of seven amazing children, 'worldschool' and travel with them to 40+ countries on 5 continents, all while building a successful multiple six-figure coaching business.

most men know what I'm talking about

Regardless of the specific details of your unique story, most men have felt the way I felt at some point in their life... maybe you feel like that now.

Maybe you're at war with yourself every day...

...filling your life with pleasure, comfort, and ease, when you know what you really want and need are strength, courage, and challenge.

Maybe you're constantly searching for more...

...or just seeking to fill the void...

...or self-medicating the friction you feel between who you are and who you want to be.

Brother, let me tell you from personal experience...



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BE a formidable family MAN?

All men ask themselves this question...

But if you really want to know the answer --

-- not the answer that society would have you believe

-- not the answer your wife expects

-- not the answer your parents require

-- not the answer your colleagues or friends suggest

-- sometimes not the answer your church preaches


Because only by being authentic to yourself can you discover what 'being a man' means to you.

Taking this journey of self-discovery isn't easy.

Sometimes it leads to pissing people off.

Or to upsetting your wife or co-workers because you'll no longer do things that make you resentful.

Or to setting up boundaries with your parents or others who take advantage of you.

Or to helping you to have more courage and resilience.

But in the end, it makes you a better, stronger, and more capable man -- and the people who matter most in your life will respect you for that.

There are landmarks and signs along the way to help you know you're on the right path and make sure you don't get lost or do something that gets you killed.

And it always helps if you share the journey with a tribe of men who have your back.

That's what the Formidable Family Man Masterclass and Tribe is all about.

do not be 'most men'

be a formidable man

MEN LIKE YOU KNOW You'RE MEANT TO DO AND BE MORE... You'RE meant to 'reach upward'


But most men will go their whole lives without answering their call to greatness.

...instead, they'll silence that inner voice with more work, more sports, more eating, more gadgets and gear, more time on their devices, and sometimes more porn, drugs, or alcohol.

Of course, these are the fastest ways to slide into a life of unfulfilled mediocrity with missed influence, income, and impact until you reach the end and wonder...

"What if my whole life has been wrong?"

Without purpose, meaning, and significance, MOST MEN die inside when they're 30 but aren't buried until they die again at age 80, having lived a life they regret.

Simply because they aren't pursuing that 'upward reach' and call for greatness that is within every human heart.

Poet Harry Kemp put it this way.

"Chief of all thy wondrous works,
Supreme of all thy plan,
Thou hast put an upward reach
In the heart of Man."

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HERE'S some of WHAT YOU'll learn INSIDE the formidable family MAN MASTERCLASS & TRIBE EXPERIENCE...


12 simple but powerful Landmarks on The Real Man Roadmap will give you step-by-step guides to developing your manhood with proven action steps that move the needle while avoiding burnout.


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1. PICK UP YOUR SWORD Make a commitment to courage, strength, leadership, and determination.

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2. PICK UP YOUR SHIELD Know and understand the Triple Trifecta. Everything affects everything.

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No guess-work. No theories. No feel-good ideas. Just strategies that get results.


Unlock inner power. Develop unwavering certainty. Create health and fitness. Produce bigger profits. Find purpose. Expand your legacy.

It's no longer a question. After proving these systems with results in my own life...

And facilitating results with thousands of people on five continents...

It's undeniable.

This Formula WORKS every time a man shows up committed to doing the work required to get the results you desire.

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the triple

t r i f e c t a

This shield and sword are what I call the Triple Trifecta - three things that interlock deeply in your life and mastering them is the key to your ultimate success and happiness.

There are three elements inside of each of the three triangles -- a powerful reminder that EVERYTHING affects EVERYTHING!

The sword is a symbol of strength, authority, power, meekness, honor, protection, defense of truth and virtue, and manliness.

"A meek man is one who has a sword -- and knows how to use it -- but keeps it sheathed."

A meek man is a dangerous man.

Not that he uses his danger for his own benefit. But he has the potential for danger if the need arises.

This sword and shield represent all the tools and training that men need to be a FORMIDABLE FAMILY MAN. They are the proven principles and practices that I teach in the Formidable Family Man Masterclass & Tribe.

No one can do the work for you...

...and the Masterclass is NOT going to solve all your problems.

Only YOU can do that.

But I WILL show you exactly what you need to do and save you years or decades of painful research, trial and error, guesswork, and mistakes.


Mastery of the Trifecta will bring you everything you've ever wanted in life. It separates the (M)ASSES from the MASTERS.

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FITNESS is #1 and covers 3 elements: BODY, MIND, & SPIRIT. Strengthen these and gain the power to overcome the stress, pain, and challenges of daily life.

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FAMILY is #2 and covers the 3 elements of: MARRIAGE, PARENTING, & LEGACY. This is your WHY behind the call to greatness. Without this, your achievements are empty.

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FINANCES is #3 and includes the elements of: INCOME, EXPENSES, & INVESTMENTS. This is how you support your family, achieve your dreams, make an impact and leave a legacy.


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Help you tap into the power you didn't know you had in order to produce RESULTS in ALL areas of your life... at the same time. (This is NOT too good to be true!)

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Break free from the limiting beliefs that are subconsciously sabotaging your success and keeping you stuck in chaos, scarcity, and despair.

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Show you how to have more passion and purpose in your marriage, sex life, bank account, spirituality, fitness, relationships, and leadership.

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Create leverage, momentum, and discipline so you can FINALLY get fit in the best health of your life.

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Help you double or triple your income and your business. No joke.

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Finally hit those targets and goals you've been missing for so many years.

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Make you a "world's best dad" in the eyes of your kids -- someone they look up to, respect and aspire to be like.

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Increase the love, respect, and desire of your woman, reignite your relationship, & help you to meet her needs in ways that truly matter to her.

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Grow your connection with your higher self and a Higher power and develop more balance and peace in your life.

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Allow you to identify a vision of -- and build -- a legacy that will outlive you.



"I have been reading through my notes over the past year and it is almost scary the amount of growth I have experienced. Looking back at the notes I was taking a year ago make me realize how small-minded I was seeing everything. That was a dangerous place. Even my own mother noticed the change in me and said that she can tell that I’m happier now. My wife also said that I'm happier and more confident than I've ever been! Thank you Greg for the shift!"

Brian K., Dentist, Father of four

"Greg always makes me feel excited about things that matter most, but he also scares me a bit, because he challenges the status quo. I know Greg can help me connect with my true self and to have the courage to create an awesome plan for an awesome life and to muster up the courage and discipline to do it. Thank you for helping me put the foundation in place for awesomeness."

Bill T., Owner & Father of three

“Since my husband has been working with you, he has really become a man among men.”

Katie B., Mother of four

“Since my husband has been working with you, he has really become a man among men.”

Katie B.
Mother of four

"Had my best month ever in December. 2.7M total. 2.2M was in the last 2 weeks of the month so that paycheck + bonus for being over 1M will yield $43600 gross paycheck."

Jason L.
Professional & Father of four

"My first week truly pushing myself has opened up levels in me I didn't know could be opened. I appreciate it, and can't wait to be even better."

Charles S.

"Greg always makes me feel excited about things that matter most, but he also scares me a bit, because he challenges the status quo. I know Greg can help me connect with my true self and to have the courage to create an awesome plan for an awesome life and to muster up the courage and discipline to do it. Thank you for helping me put the foundation in place for awesomeness."

Bill T.
Biz Owner & Father of three

"I'm so blessed to have your support and wisdom. Thank you for doing what you do. You will always be remembered as the one who transformed daddy!"

Israel P.
Professional & Father of four

"I have been reading through my notes over the past year and it is almost scary the amount of growth I have experienced. Looking back at the notes I was taking a year ago make me realize how small-minded I was seeing everything. That was a dangerous place. Even my own mother noticed the change in me and said that she can tell that I’m happier now. My wife also said that I'm happier and more confident than I've ever been! Thank you Greg for the shift!"

Brian K.
Dentist & Father of five

"It is not easy putting into words what my experience with Greg has done for my life. But the results speak for themselves. For example, after being a dedicated diet soda drinker for over a decade, within one conversation with Greg I committed to quitting and have not touched it in 8 months. Also, I now have the habit of waking up early (something I never thought I could do) to hit my priorities. I move the needle on my big picture goals every day before my young kids even wake up! But these are just the tip of the iceberg. Among countless other ways, one big area I have noticed immense change is in my clarity and vision of my life. After years of feeling frustrated by knowing that I wanted to do more with my life, but not knowing what to do or how, I now have the clarity and vision to know what I want out of life and how to get there. I can say with sincerity that Greg has changed my life in big ways."

Sam K.

"Greg is the best! He truly lives what he teaches which makes his training so much more impactful. He’s helped me recognize things in my life that were holding me back, worked out strategies and skills to overcome them. He’s also been instrumental in holding me accountable and helping me truly dial in my habits and routines. I’m excited for every day and what the future holds. I have a vision of my best self and family and am working with purpose and determination to get there. I’ve seen improvements in all aspects of my life. My relationship with my wife, kids, employees, spirituality, physical fitness, emotional, mental, financial... you name it we’ve worked on it and honed in on improving it. You won’t regret having Greg as your coach."

Travis L.
Professional & Father of four

"Had my best month ever in December. 2.7M total. 2.2M was in the last 2 weeks of the month so that paycheck + bonus for being over 1M will yield $43600 gross paycheck."

J. L., Professional & Father of three

"My first week truly pushing myself has opened up levels in me I didn't know could be opened. I appreciate it, and can't wait to be even better."

Charles S.

"I'm so blessed to have your support and wisdom. Thank you for doing what you do. You will always be remembered as the one who transformed daddy!"

Israel P., Professional & Father of four

"It is not easy putting into words what my experience with Greg has done for my life. But the results speak for themselves. For example, after being a dedicated diet soda drinker for over a decade, within one conversation with Greg I committed to quitting and have not touched it in 8 months. Also, I now have the habit of waking up early (something I never thought I could do) to hit my priorities. I move the needle on my big picture goals every day before my young kids even wake up! But these are just the tip of the iceberg. Among countless other ways, one big area I have noticed immense change is in my clarity and vision of my life. After years of feeling frustrated by knowing that I wanted to do more with my life, but not knowing what to do or how, I now have the clarity and vision to know what I want out of life and how to get there. I can say with sincerity that Greg has changed my life in big ways."

Sam K., Parent of four

"Greg is the best! He truly lives what he teaches which makes his training so much more impactful. He’s helped me recognize things in my life that were holding me back, worked out strategies and skills to overcome them. He’s also been instrumental in holding me accountable and helping me truly dial in my habits and routines. I’m excited for every day and what the future holds. I have a vision of my best self and family and am working with purpose and determination to get there. I’ve seen improvements in all aspects of my life. My relationship with my wife, kids, employees, spirituality, physical fitness, emotional, mental, financial... you name it we’ve worked on it and honed in on improving it. You won’t regret having Greg as your coach."

Travis L., Parent of four

I've just joined your Masterclass. I'm realizing how a "noble goal" forces us to look beyond what we can't control. Thank you!"

Casey, Parent of two


This is your opportunity to TRAIN FOR GREATNESS

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Taking part in the Formidable Family Man Masterclass & Tribe is a commitment to Training for Greatness with 1-5 hours of self-paced study per week intended to introduce you to a better version of yourself...

It's not just an education. It's a transformation.

Training forges character.

​Training helps you prepare for your 'finest hour'.

"When the time to perform has arrived, the time to prepare has passed."

Training helps you discover your superpowers.

​​Training develops self-awareness.

Training separates average men from extraordinary men.

This isn't something I say lightly.

There is an urgency for you to take action.

The world is shifting rapidly and facing real problems.

Your spouse, your children, your business colleagues, and your community need YOU to lead them with certainty.

You have to 'pay the dues' required to become the best version of yourself...

You have to stop the meaningless search for buffering, comfort, and distraction...


Invest in yourself.

This isn't something I say lightly.

There is an urgency for you to take action.

The world is shifting rapidly and facing real problems.

Your spouse, your children, your business colleagues, and your community need YOU to lead them with certainty.

You have to 'pay the dues' required to become the best version of yourself...

You have to stop the meaningless search for buffering, comfort, and distraction...


Invest in yourself.

here's everything you get when you make an investment in yourself and your untapped potential

just $29,997 $3997/year for a limited time!

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When you join the Be The Man Masterclass & Tribe

You'll Get Immediate Access to...

Full Year Access to The Real Man Roadmap -- 12 Landmark Missions & 100+ Trainings $5997 VALUE

Full Year Access to The Triple Trifecta -- 9 interlocking key elements to creating the life you've always wanted $4997 VALUE

Full Year Access to The BTM Method -- 5 Fundamentals of Family Manhood & 50+ Tools $3497 VALUE

Fully YearAccess to the BTM Tribe App & Forum (This is where you'll connect with your Man Tribe) $8997 VALUE

​​Full Year Access to the Man of M.E.T.A.L. 28-Day Challenge -- daily action steps for strengthening your mindset and emotions, building trust, taking action, and creating your ideal lifestyle. $597 VALUE

LIVE COACHING EVERY WEEK with Greg & Masterminding with your Tribe of like-minded men. (Just $4997/yr to continue coaching after the first year). $29,997 VALUE

TEXT & EMAIL ACCESS to Greg Denning -- ask questions, get advice, receive feedback about any question in any area of your life. $9,997 VALUE


Exclusive invitations to upcoming Man Adventure Camps (these are not available to the general public). PRICELESS

TOTAL VALUE $64,976 Available for $29,997 yearly price of $3,997 (for ongoing weekly live group coaching).

20+ videos on taking care of yourself so that you’re no longer exhausted, burnt out and stressed out all the time.

20+ videos on bringing the magic back to your marriage, even if your spouse isn’t doing her part.

20+ videos on being a more influential parent, to actually ensure the outcomes you want.

20+ videos to transform your family dynamics and culture. More peace, more connection, more joy, more cooperation.

20+ videos about family finances to increase your income, track your spending, get out of debt, and learn to invest.

Over 150+ training videos in all (and more added every month) -- PLUS dozens of audio and written lessons -- to support a lifetime journey of learning, growth, and family development with you as the leader.

LIVE WEEKLY COACHING with Greg Denning to help you finally achieve the elusive results you've been wanting to get in every important area of life.

TEXT & EMAIL ACCESS to Greg Denning -- ask questions, get accountability, receive feedback, get results

Brother, you and I are tribal and what you’re missing from your life is a brotherhood of

good men.

Families used to live in tribes.

Men and women worked together to hunt, gather food, and protect their families and their community. Men had each other to talk to, turn to, learn from, and take risks with.

This is one thing that's missing from today's society. Nuclear families are left alone to figure things out by themselves. Women, for the most part, have still been able to reach out and connect and build a community around them.

But many men are struggling. Even though their wives work to maintain friendships with other couples, men still feel lonely and isolated.

And this loneliness is costing them. In fact, it leads to increases in heart disease, stroke, and early death, according to research by Psychology Today.

"Close relationships with other people have more of an impact on our health and longevity than even our genes do... Loneliness is a risk factor comparable to smoking, obesity, and heart disease.

80% of successful suicides are men, and one of the contributing factors is loneliness."

The same research shows that men who have someone to turn to are happier in their lives and marriages, and physically healthier over time.


That's why you need the Formidable Family Man Tribe.

upcoming tribal adventures & training

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WITH THE BE THE MAN APP & FORUM. Get live updates from Greg, inspiration, questions answered, support, encouragement, and more.

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There is likely a part of you that wants to experience the Masterclass and Tribe...

There's another part of you that is hesitant because you don't want to face the hard stuff...

Or you don't want to spend the money...

Or you don't want to convince your wife that this would be a good idea (this will be easier than you think)...

Or you don't really want to make the effort to change...

And that's the problem with MOST MEN today.

They're living in a state of resignation or despair and they're not willing to do the hard work necessary to grab hold of the power within them to create the life they really want...

They're not willing to risk the chance to fulfill their potential and manifest their true destiny.

This definition of HELL has stuck with me the longest...

...when the man you are comes face to face with the man you could have become.

If I haven't become my very best self, that day will definitely be hell for me.

We ALL deserve to reach our fullest potential.

It's our birthright, our manifest destiny.

But YOU are the one responsible to claim it.

No one will do it for you.

It has to be earned through challenge and discomfort and hard work -- first by learning and then by living the principles and practices that are proven to get results.

You can't listen to your INNER CRITIC.

Choose to listen to the voice that hears the CALL FOR GREATNESS.

Step into the discomfort.

Because there are only THREE paths you can take right now...

PATH #1: Listen to the inner critic and stay comfortable, even if you're miserable. (This is the path of 97% of men).

PATH #2: Be indecisive about what to do and let the inner critic and the call to greatness battle it out (this eventually leads to PATH #1).

PATH #3: Listen to the CALL to greatness and join this Tribe.

You've let the inner critic win too often, just like most men.

It's simple.

Stop listening.

PATH #1 AND #2 lead to a sea of mediocrity that ends on your deathbed with regret.

PATH #3 leads to becoming part of the top 3% of men in the world who actually work to get what they want in life...

You'll become a part of an exclusive group of elite husbands and fathers you can connect with, turn to, and network with.

You'll increase your confidence...

You'll have more opportunities and grow your income...

You'll have respect from your wife, children, and colleagues.

The choice is YOURS.

Which path?

Which voice?

See you on the inside.

don't be most men.

be a formidable family man.

That's a Total Value of $64,976 All Yours For

JUST $29,997 $3997 TODAY for FULL YEAR access!

just $3997/year to keep ongoing live coaching AND FULL access to the masterclass content

join the be the man masterclass & tribe for just $29,997 $3,997 FOR A LIMITED TIME!


just $3997/year for ongoing live coaching access!

i'm sure you have some questions...

here are the most frequently asked

if you have a question that is not answered here, email me [email protected]

After I join the Tribe, what's next?

You'll receive an email with instructions on how and where to get started and a video from Greg Denning welcoming you to the Tribe. You'll also be getting a big virtual bear hug.

Is this live or recorded? Are their live events?

The majority of the trainings are recorded videos that are self-paced. This has proven to be effective for busy husbands, fathers, and business owners who don't always have time in their schedules for long live sessions every week.

TRAINING IS MEANT TO HAPPEN IN DAILY MICRO-DOSES. The video trainings are consumable in 20 minutes or less. They can also be listened to while you're working out or driving or whenever you can put an earbud in.

Live events do occur and you will be notified of those. We also have a weekly live Tribe Council and Mastermind which you will learn more about after joining the Masterclass.

Why are you offering such a big discount for the Masterclass & Tribe?

The Masterclass includes FULL YEAR ACCESS to:

- The Real Man Roadmap
- The BTM Method
- The Man of M.E.T.A.L. 28-Day Challenge
- The BTM App & Forum Access

These ALREADY have a value of over $54k for the just the next year alone.

I realize that even a $19k price point is out of reach for many good men who have families to raise. That's why I make it available on occasion for a steeply discounted price, but only for a limited time.

When does the Masterclass start?

The Masterclass began in Greg's brain over a decade ago. Since then he has been gathering content and creating videos to place them in a Vault.

That Vault is now ready and waiting. It starts when you start. The training is self-paced and can begin moments after you join the Masterclass & Tribe.

What if I've already tried everything to change without success? Will this work for me?

The truth is you HAVE NOT tried everything. If you had, then you would have the results you wanted.

This WILL work for you if YOU do the work. But this Masterclass & Tribe increases your CHANCE of success because it provides something that 'most men' are missing in their lives -- COACHING (from someone who's walked the path and can show you the way) & ACCOUNTABILITY (from a group of people who support and believe in you).

These two things are like magic for generating results.

I already know what I need to do to get results. Can't I just do it on my own?

Yes, you can do it on your own. But it will likely take you ten times as long and be ten times as hard. And I'm an optimist.

I've learned from real experience that growth and transformation happen faster when you have a coach and accountability from people who support you.

Plus, the most common mistake I see guys make is the idea that they 'already know' what they need to do. "To know and not to do is really not to know."

If you really knew what needed to be done, it would have happened already and you wouldn't be here reading this page. You'd be writing it instead. ?

What if my wife won't let me spend money on this or my budget is too tight?

Ultimately we always get what we pay for. If we're willing to pay for self-improvement, then that's what we get -- along with a larger income and better relationships.

One of the reasons your wife or your budget might be a challenge or obstacle is because to this point in your life you haven't made a big enough investment to get the results you want with your income or your relationship.

There is always room in our budget for the things that matter to us. Sometimes we just have to switch our priorities around in order to find or create the money we want or need to invest in ourselves. And when your wife trusts you to make wise decisions then she'll know that investing in yourself is one of the most important things you can do -- because ultimately it's an investment into your marriage.

As you'll learn in the Masterclass, "a rising tide lifts all boats." As you improve yourself, you'll naturally improve everything around you -- your marriage, your parenting, your business and income.

Do you give discounts?

This current offer is the most deeply discounted price available and it won't last.

What is included?

You will have access for A FULL YEAR to video, audio, and written content.

Greg is adding content on a regular basis (weekly & monthly) and is likely to do so indefinitely since his passion and mission is to learn and share what he learns with others. So the value and learning will continue to grow for Greg's lifetime.

You will also have ongoing access to the BTM App & Forum/Discussion Group

What kind of results can I expect?

Ultimately, the results you achieve are up to YOU. No one can do your pushups for you.

But SOME of the results men have achieved include:

-- Double or tripling their income
-- Becoming best friends (and passionate lovers) with their wife
-- Gaining the respect and trust of their children, especially into the teenage years. They like and respect you and ask for your advice.
-- Overcoming anxiety and depression
-- Managing and reducing stress
-- Getting a six-pack
-- Losing weight
-- Strength to face the tragedies of life (death of a child or spouse)
-- Facing challenges like cancer
-- Gaining mental strength and emotional management
-- Controlling your temper
-- Learning to GENERATE energy instead of being drained and exhausted
-- And so much more

YOU get to decide what matters to you and what results YOU want. I'll give you the tools to get it.

This looks like good stuff I just don't want to get suckered in again...

"I don't have a problem spending the money, but I just think I'm gonna get suckered again, just like I did with the multi-level marketing, with the But Real Estate With No Money Down, with the Grant Writing scheme, and all the self help books I've read over my lifetime. I get daily emails from the _________, they're really good and inspirational. I've just been fumbling around life getting some things right but making more mistakes than right decisions. I need practical real mentoring. Do you really think you can help?"

I get it. I've had those years when I felt like I constantly bought course after course, book after book, looking for THE answer that would transform my life and give me everything I wanted. I kept trying new things but I never got the results I was looking for.

This is NOT that 'solve-all' program because it DOES NOT EXIST. The truth is, learning and growth is a lifetime adventure. Its something that you have to make a part of your life -- who you are, your way of BEING.

That's what I'm here to teach you -- how to identify fundamental principles that you then make a part of WHO YOU ARE.

That is the ONLY solution to finding the answers you seek. If you do this, then joining the Masterclass won't be 'another mistake' because it will help you to become your own guide and your own 'guru'.

What if I can't afford this?

There is one thing I learned early on that has made all the difference in my financial life... and that is:

NEVER say the words, "I can't afford it."

When you do that, you're giving your brain an ultimatum so it looks for evidence instead of options.

When you teach yourself to rephrase the question into "How can I afford this?" then your brain goes to work to look for solutions.

I've learned that if this is something you want and need to do then you MUST find a way to afford it, (especially while it is so deeply discounted).

Stop allowing whether or not you can afford something to limit your life and personal growth.

The 3% don't do things they can afford. They learn how to afford the things they want to do.

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